Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Mudra For Weight Loss While Walking

#1surya mudra for weight loss surya mudra increases the agni (fire) element and at the same time decrease prithvi (earth) element within the body and hence it is also called by another name ‘agni-vardhak mudra’ according to ayurveda, indigestion is the major cause for obesity, overweight and excess body fat. Mudra for weight loss while walking. Mudra for weight loss is an effortless way of weight loss at home now look at how mudra help you in weight loss the important mudras for weight loss are, surya mudra, vaata-karak, pitta-kaarak, linga mudra and gyaan mudra gyaan mudra helps you to strengthen your nervous system and improves your will power.

mudra for weight loss while walking

Prithvi mudra helps in weight loss the individual performing the mudra should not perform it while either walking or standing as the feet tends to generate electricity in the body which flows into the ground and eventually gets wasted hence, it is advised to keep the feet always on the mat and wear slippers while performing.

more info mudra for weight loss while walking ---> click here


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